Broadband speeds explained

We are serious about fibre speed. Lets break it down and explain how to get the best out of your broadband speeds

It's our mission to help you make the most of your fibre speeds

We know speeds can be confusing. For those who are tech savvy, you might learn more about the Grain network, but for those who find tech talk traumatic, we will try to keep it simple.

Speeds direct to your router

Grain Full Fibre broadband speeds are pushed direct to your router – and you get equal upload and download. Not many people can boast that one, but it’s really important for anybody working from home, video calling, streaming, gaming or adding files to the cloud. The ultimate way to make the most of your speed is still using a CAT6 Ethernet cable to connect your device directly into the router or wi-fi extender. This works great with TVs or desktop computers. Most people prefer to connect smaller devices over wi-fi but bear in mind the speed may vary between the router and your device.


Gigabit speeds and reliability

Share the speeds across your devices

The more megabits of speed you have, the more there is to share around your devices. Often, customers tell us they have around 5-10 devices in their home pulling on their wi-fi. But then they count them all up……phones, tablets, laptops, TVs games consoles, smart home technology, security cameras…. and it’s more like 15-20 devices. If you are all online at the same time, on all of the devices, a speedy package is going to make sure you all stay happy! It’s also worth remembering that some devices have a speed cap, or due to their age they just are not capable of receiving the speeds from a Grain package.

Working from home with full fibre broadband

Your home can sabotage the experience

Sad to say it, but sometimes your own home might be responsible for slowing down your speeds. There are so many factors that can impact wi-fi, which is basically radio waves, sending a frequency through each room. From listed buildings to new builds, the construction style can impact the strength of your signal. Metal, brick, insulation….it all gets in the way unfortunately. For the best performance over wi-fi, try to have a clear line of sight between the router and your device – the less walls the better.


Random but true - these household items can be problematic

Baby monitors, microwave ovens, cordless phones, electric garage doors – anything sending out radio signals can interfere with your wi-fi. Similarly, large household items can also “block” the signal – from fridge freezers to furniture. Mirrors and other reflective surfaces may also make the signal bounce around. Try to keep your router free of other objects and on display at all times to get the ultimate performance from it.


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On the right frequency?

One travels further and the other faster, so make sure your devices are on the right frequency for their needs. Our service transmits both 2.4GHz (further at lower speeds) and 5GHz (closer range but faster speeds). Each device might have a preferred frequency, and you can check on the settings. We also recommend putting your laptops, tablets and mobiles on 5GHz.


Equal upload and download speeds

Supercharge your knowledge when it comes to Grain broadband speeds

Get the lowdown on the things that really count when it comes to speeds

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Be a low ping king

In gaming, ping is the time it takes data to travel from your computer to another player's computer and back, measured in milliseconds. It's also known as latency or lag and the lower the ping the better! (Of course ours is low!)

Gigabit speeds and reliability
Don't get the jitters

Jitter is the consistency of your ping or latency. So if it's consistent, your jitter is low. Inconsistent, and your jitter is high - resulting in a poorer network performance. Our jitter starts low and stays low.

Equal upload and download speeds
Equal up and download

We provide equal upload and download speeds - plus no data limits. Just what you need when you are working, streaming or storing data - and most other providers don't do equal. Do some research.

Uncontended (no sharing here!)

Our PTP network means a unique fibre cable direct to your home - so your speeds won't suffer because of your neighbours. Some providers use a PON network, with around 30 homes sharing a fibre - look it up

Grain are exclusively full fibre
Direct to the internet

With Full Fibre, lightning fast broadband speeds are travelling up and down a very fine piece of glass - our network uses fibre all the way from your home router to the internet. No more outdated copper slowing things down!

Did you know? A CAT6 Ethernet cable can transmit at 1000Mbps allowing unrestricted enjoyment of your Grain connection!

Got more questions?

Want to run a speed test?

Working from home with full fibre broadband
Working from home with full fibre broadband
Choose your device
Choose your device

Make sure you choose a device which is modern, and capable of running at speed. Some laptops, TVs, consoles and phones have a speed cap so its important to check first

Get connected
Get connected

Use a CAT6 Ethernet Cable to connect your device directly into the router - check that the device doesn't have any other apps or programmes open and no VPN either (most likely to be found on work devices)

Phone packages
Phone packages
Disconnect the rest
Disconnect the rest

Disconnect all other devices from the network. To run a realistic speed test, you can't have lots of other devices pulling on the broadband speeds too.

Gigabit speeds and reliability
Gigabit speeds and reliability
Have a few attempts
Have a few attempts

Run your test at various times, just to get the most accurate reading. Why not try running a test on wi-fi too just to feel the difference? Ethernet will always be the most reliable.

How does broadband reach every room?

When Grain’s lightning-fast broadband meets your router, your router pushes out radio waves transmitting millions of bits of data per second to your devices like your smart phone, computer or tablet in your home.

It is through these airwaves and technology that you are able to stream your favourite shows, battle your opponent’s online and work from home. But, there are some interfering elements that could make your connection slow and ruin your downtime, take a look at the below to see what they are.

These household items and materials could be slowing down your connection

You want to get the most out of your broadband, but did you know that some materials that can potentially interfere with or slow down your Wi-Fi signal and extenders? There may be a few items in your house right now that are slowing you down as they have the ability to absorb or reflect wireless signals.

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They don’t just reflect light. Mirrors with even a thin metal backing can reflect wi-fi signals, causing them to bounce around and potentially create dead zones or electromagnetic interference.

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Bluetooth devices

Bluetooth devices, such as speakers, keyboards, and headphones, can operate on similar frequencies as wi-fi and might cause interference if they're in close proximity. So the best practice is, if your not using it, switch it off.

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Fluorescent lights

Believe it or not, certain types of fluorescent lights can emit electromagnetic interference that can affect your connection, especially in the 2.4 GHz range. If possible, try alternative lights a go, such as LED.

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It’s bad news for party goers and pet fish keepers too! Water can absorb and weaken wi-fi signals. Large containers of water, fish tanks or even people in a crowded room can reduce performance.

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Microwave ovens

Recipe for disaster! That’s right, microwave ovens also operate in the 2.4 GHz frequency range and can cause temporary interference when in use.

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Corded electronics

Some corded electronics, especially those with motors or transformers, can generate electromagnetic interference that might impact wi-fi performance.

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Walls and floors

As you would have guessed, thick walls made of concrete or brick, as well as floors with metal reinforcement, can significantly weaken wi-fi signals as they absorb or reflect the wireless signals.

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