We reserve the right to remove or hide any posts that, in our opinion, break the House Rules, and we may block users if this persists. If you do not wish to comply with our House Rules, you must not post or comment on any of our social media channels. By using our social media channels, you accept and agree to abide by our House Rules.

Scroll, share, stay respectful
We’re active on social media
We’re really pleased to be able to connect with customers, potential customers, local communities and other stakeholders across different social media platforms that we use. To keep our spaces on these platforms safe and respectful we ask you to follow our House Rules.
Which channels are we active on social media?
We are active on the following social media channels:
When are these channels monitored?
Our social media channels are monitored from 9am – 5pm, Monday to Friday. We will try to respond to any messages as soon as possible but if you have an urgent issue, please call our Customer Service Team directly on 0330 223 2266
What are the Social Media House Rules?
- Users should comply with the social media platform’s (Facebook, Twitter etc) Terms of Use
- You should consider your privacy and the privacy of anyone else involved – only post information you’re happy for everyone to see – do not post personal information such as phone number or address relating to you or anybody else
- Please act with kindness and respect and use appropriate language. Do not bully, harass or intimidate any individual or organisation. Do not use offensive, discriminatory, abusive or obscene language or imagery. Please treat others as you would like to be treated yourself
- Make sure you do not post anything unlawful or in violation of any intellectual property rights
- We ask that you do not spam or troll our social media accounts. This includes posting persistent negative or abusive posts designed to provoke a response, repetitive comments or link baiting
- We don’t allow users to promote or advertise other services on our social media channels